Description of Claims

Claim can be filed only by WebMoney Transfer system user. In order to file a claim one needs to provide claim application through Arbitration service web-site, which contains detailed information with evidence and arbitration fee must be paid. Claims are being reviewed by a committee consistent of arbitrators (three system users with Registrar WM-Passport status). First one assigned by WebMoney Transfer service, second one assigned by claimant choice, third one assigned by defendant choice.

Arbitrators receive special interface in the System where they can share information and data concerning the conflict including WebMoney Transfer data logs concerning the participants. After that arbitrators are given interface where they can decide via majority of the votes. Decision concerns refusal or non-refusal of service towards defendant WMID, also determining conditions of the possession rights to contested funds and conditions of the peace agreement between conflict parties, if claimant confirmed that agreement has been reached. Claims can be processed during 3 months starting from the beginning of the claim processing (more in regulations).

Arbitration service accepts claims of following types:

Trade deal non-compliance

Claims of this type are filed when defendant fails to comply trade deal terms, conducted via WebMoney Transfer system technology only in cases, when conducted deals are not violate agreements of WebMoney Transfer System. For instance, claims from "conned investors" of different "investment projects and foundations" will not be processed because its work and participation counteract "Agreement with illegal trade, financial fraud and money laundry". Claims of this type are accepted from any WebMoney Transfer System user despite WM-Passport status. During the process claimer might be required to get Personal WM-Passport.

Payment dispute

This type of claim represents a protest against a payment (or payments) from the Claimant's wallet, which they claim were not made by them, for example, due to loss of control over the WM identifier as a result of unauthorized access by a malicious actor to the Claimant's computer (theft of the key file). "Payment dispute" can be used to trace, identify, and return external payments to Guarantors, mistakenly made by the Claimant. Claims of this type are accepted from any participant in the WebMoney Transfer system without restrictions.

Misleading feedback or claim dispute

Claims of this type are filed in case of the established will to hide from public available section of the network resource (web-site) inadequate feedback or claim before publicly available terms of expiration, also in case of the established will to re-open service for WMID of the claimer, which was suspended because of the negative feedback or claim. Claims of this type are accepted from any WebMoney Transfer System user without restrictions.

WMID holder rights dispute

Claims of this type are filed only by Personal (or higher) WM-Passport holder and in following cases:
− when access issues occur without any reasonable cause of it, for instance unsuccessful standard procedure of control recovery.
− in case of WMID holder death with certificate of inheritance provided. In this case defendant is WMID of the deceased holder, and claimer is rightful heir.
− in case when WMID holder is changed for budget automation tool for corporate user can not be processed by Capitaller service - by voting of the shareholders of the budget automation tool. In this case defendant is budget automation tool WMID for corporate user, and claimer is new manager of the budget automation tool. Authorization for new budget automation tool manager are provided to WM-Passport Service office via new set of documents in accordance with the list.

Challenge of the rights to own a WM-identifier

Claims of this type are a subclass of the claim "WMID holder rights dispute" and are accepted from owners of a Formal (or higher) WM-Passport (VideoID identification is mandatory) if it is necessary to restore access to a WM-Identifier whose servicing was terminated in accordance with clauses 9.3.c or 9.3.d of the "Agreement on Property Rights Transfer by Means Of Digital Units".
During the proceedings, the claimant may be offered the option to obtain a Personal Passport.